Pregnancy Yoga Classes at Yogalime

At Yogalime, our motto is ‘Give love to you’ and our Pregnancy Yoga Classes are restorative, loving and kind to mums-to-be.  Whilst we move the body in asana (yoga postures) to strengthen the muscles and joints, we also focus on opening and relaxing the body and mind in preparation for childbirth. In Ayurveda philosophy there is considered to be an energetic connection between an unborn child and a mothers heart.  Many of our practices will work with an awareness of this bond and help to nurture this connection. Pregnancy yoga has many benefits, and helps a woman to create a firm foundation for the…

BKS Iyengar Dies Aged 95

BKS Iyengar passed away early this morning, he had been unwell for several weeks and was admitted to hospital last week.  He suffered Kidney failure and a heart attack.  I pay respect to Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar and his loved ones. In writing about him I am filled with joy, a light from within for all he achieved in sharing and spreading the teachings of yoga across the world.  This is a phenominal feat of achievement which has touched, helped to improve and heal the lives of many. I pay respect and gratitude to a man who lived and devoted his life to…

white ally, racism, prejudice, yoga, discrimination, black, colour, white supremacy, privilege

Responding the the “Ghetto Yoga” incident: Being a White Ally

Originally posted on susan virginia yoga:
I woke up a few weeks ago with this story filling my feed. You may have already heard about it. A yoga studio in a mostly white, affluent California neighborhood hosted a “Ghetto Fabulous” yoga class where practitioners were encouraged to arrive in “ghetto” outfits like heavy lip-liner,  and corn rows to “Get down with yo’ bad self & booty shake all the way into shavasana.” Photos from the event on facebook (now removed but available at Jezebel’s article) show primarily young white women sporting do-rags and flashing gang signs.  As you may imagine,…